• What does a sustainable stylist mean?

    I aim to help my clients be more aware of the carbon-neutral fashion industry, equality and social justice. Sustainable fashion concerns more than addressing fashion textiles or products. The most sustainable that's out there is already hanging in your wardrobe and I want to help you use it to it's full potential.

  • How long is the in-person session?

    This session is 6 hours and it’s broken down into 4 parts.

    -1 We start by considering everything you own, asking if you still love it, it still fits and if it complements your current personal style. Depending on the size of the wardrobe, I like to allow up to 2 hours for this.

    -2 Then you go and take a well-earned break, while I create ‘new to you’ outfits with the items you love and want to wear more of. This is when I notice any gaps that need filling in your wardrobe. I allow 1 and a half hours for this section- depending on the size of the wardrobe, it could be more.

    -3 Once I have all the outfits ready, we have the ‘try-on’ part of the session. This is where you try on every outfit I have put together for you, and I explain all the styling tips you my need to elevate that look. During this time I will take a photo of you in every outfit so you have a record of it. I allow 1 hours 30 min for this, depending on the size of the wardrobe.

    -4 When you have tried on all the ‘new to you’ outfits, you will take a break, while I reorganise your space to perfection, leaving you with the wardrobe of your dreams. I allow 1 hour for this depending on the size of the wardrobe.

  • What if I need more time and 6 hours is just not enough for my in person session?

    I do offer more time and if you need more time this is charged on an hour basis £50 per hour. This will be invoiced to you after our session.

  • What if you can't make up new to me outfits using the clothes that I have?

    This has never happened in all the years I have been styling people’s wardrobes. I pride myself on my creativity and my ability to show you that you really can make outfits even from the most basic wardrobes. If I don't come up with as many as we had hoped, it is the opportunity for us to realise what is missing and see how we can elevate your wardrobe.

  • How can I prepare for my wardrobe in-person session?

    3 things you can do to prepare.

    1. Take the day off for yourself try not to commit to anything else that day apart from the session because you will get so much more out of it if you are fully present.

    2. Think about all the places where you might have stored your clothes and shoes. Perhaps you have some in the loft or garage. Dig them out - this is the perfect time to to sort through everything.

    3. Then plan yourself a nice lunch for the day as it's all about you.

  • Do you offer aftercare?

    Yes I do this for the Gold and Platinum services. It runs for 8 weeks. During that time you can get in touch with me anytime between 9 am-5 pm to clarify anything, or ask me any questions. This can be done over the phone or email.

  • Will you take me out shopping for the clothes I need to fill the gaps?

    I would not take you shopping. However, I will always try and find pieces to fill gaps in your wardrobe from preloved sales and sites, and I will send you the relevant link to buy it yourself.

  • Where do my unwanted clothes go?

    I help you donate them to worthy causes, and those less fortunate. They are primarily women’s and homeless shelters. Any clothes that are not fit for purpose I take them to be recycled at fabric banks

    The clothes that are in good sellable condition I sell them on for you. I usually take 50% commission. However, this could vary. Depending on the item, the commission could be more or less than 50%.

    All the above will prevent your used clothes ending up in land fill.

  • Why have you changed the way you offer your services?

    I have made every step of each service transparent so that you have more control to get exactly what you need.

    The in-person sessions are longer, offering you more value for money.

  • How do the payment plans work?

    Payment plans are set on an individual basis, and a contract will be signed before styling begins to confirm that you will make a payment each month.

    I will also consider offering a longer time frame on the payment plan, depending on individual circumstances.

    Client will make a payment by standing order each month. The first payment will need to be paid before the session date.

  • How do I store your information?

    All your information is stored on a password protected format and is never shared with anyone outside the business.